5 mai, ora 7 PM, Detroit
Biserica Sfânta Treime Troy, 1850 E Square Lake Rd, Troy, MI, SUA, organizator Agora Detroit
13 mai, ora 3PM, Chicago
Stan Mansion, 2408 N Kedzie Blvd, IL, SUA, organizator Authentic Society for Language and Romanian Culture
18 mai, orele 7PM- 9,30 PM, Toronto
Parkway Forest Community Centre, 55 Forest Manor Rd, ON M2J 1G3, organizator Scriitori Români în Canada
19 mai, ora 4 PM, Hamilton
Câmpul Românesc, 395 Concession 10th East, Freelton ON, Canada, L0R 1K0
21 mai, ora 11:30 AM, Kitchener
Simply Elegant Flowers and More 1167 King Str East, ON, Canada
26 mai, ora 5 PM, Montreal
Restaurant-club “Mamaia”, 4727 rue St. Denis, Quebec, Canada.